
“Smile for Hope” is in deep grief… “Smile for Hope” is mourning the passing of Sher Bahadur Karki, affectionately known as Raj.
Raj is a symbol of compassion, integrity and truth. He dedicated his life to spiritual growth, even sacrificing his immediate material needs for the greater good. He studied under many masters, healers and teachers from around the world to understand the root cause of suffering, so he could make people happy and ease their pain.
On June 2nd, a dramatic accident took Raj’s life away, interrupting his path. From then on, no one who was ever blessed to meet Raj will remain the same. He knew how to touch people’s hearts and sooth their aches.
Raj had a dream of creating a healing center in rural Nepal. He wanted ”Smile for Hope” to take spiritual healing to deprived and marginalized people. It was a common project we were working with great vigor to accomplish.
Despite Raj not being with us now, “Smile for Hope” will work to accomplish this. This was Raj’s vision. We feel it will be the most fitting tribute we can give him by ensuring the healing center is established in Nepal as per his dream.
R.I.P Raj, our leader, inspirer, most compassionate individual and a unique master. Until we meet again…
Zeina Abdo Founder “Smile For Hope”